Silverdale Bowling Alley Casino

By Rachel Pritchett
Bremerton Lanes Casino has folded, throwing about 100 people out ofwork.
As many as 70 percent of them were employed full-time, according toGeneral Manager Don Knott. They worked as dealers, floorsupervisors, cage personnel and security.
Some got the word Saturday as they reported to work. Others werestill finding out Monday.
Dealers Mario Covarrubias and his wife Shannon of Port Orchard havesuddenly found themselves idle. With three children — ages 11, 9and 4 — they now have zero household income except what they’ll geton unemployment.
“I mean, it’s tough. You don’t know what you’re going to do,”Covarrubias said.
Knott pointed to a stubborn recession.
“It’s just a sign of the times,” Knott said, adding that customershave less money to spend on gambling now.
Bremerton Lanes bowling remains open, along with the Eleventh FrameCafé and Lounge on the premises.
Like other house-banked commercial card rooms in the state,Bremerton Lanes Casino has experienced fairly sharp declines ingross receipts.
It opened in 2003, and in 2005 enjoyed a peak of $2.56 million ingross receipts. But that shrunk to $2.02 million in 2009, accordingto the Washington State Gambling Commission.
The story is the same across the county and the state.
Tom Myers, owner of All Star Lanes & Casino in Silverdale, hascut back on staff and put off capital improvements.
“We’re fortunate that we’re able to pay our bills,” he said.
No one was available to talk to at the other local commercial cardroom, Chips Casino in Bremerton.
Across the state, commercial card room gross receipts peaked in2005 at $308 million, but by 2009 had fallen to $259 million.
There are fewer card rooms operating now, too. In 2009, 99 were inoperation, down from 112 in 2006, according to the commission.
Besides the recession, a smoking ban that went into effect in 2005may have dampened business at some establishments, at leastanecdotally.
“That certainly may have been a factor,” said commissionspokeswoman Melinda Froud.
Less business has translated into smaller paychecks for some ofemployees. Former Bremerton Lanes Casino dealer Kevin Fortier ofBremerton, for example, earned $35,000 last year. In a normal year,he’d earn $50,000.
Laid-off workers, many who’ve been in the business for years, won’tfind similar work easily. Gambling’s slow season is about to kickin, leaving some workers to consider going back to school or doingsomething else.
Many were at the unemployment office on Monday or had completedapplications for unemployment online.
Dealer Chris Holden figured that he’d go back to being amechanic.
“I’m really not sure,” he said.
Employees said that business has been on and off at the mini-casinooff Bruenn Avenue that offers mostly poker-based games like Pai Gowand blackjack-based games like Spanish 21. But it seemed to begoing strong enough to fuel hopes of staying in business.
Until now.
“They just shut down basically, without notice,” said dealer AndrewLuong of Bremerton.
No severance packages were given.
Fortier said he’s worried about his diabetes medication. While hewas working, he was able to buy health insurance to help cover his$400 monthly medication cost. Now, he said, he’ll have to ask thestate for help.
A co-worker of floor supervisor and dealer Maria Ortiz of Bremertontexted her the news Saturday.
“I started crying, and my daughter goes to a private school, andnow she’s scared because she doesn’t know if she can go to schoolwhere she’s at,” the single mother said.
Frank Evans, managing member of casino owner Star West Sound LLC,said that the layoffs saddened him.
“Look at the people who lost their jobs,” he said.
General Manager Knott agreed.
“It’s heartbreaking,” he said. “I’ve had a lot of close, personalties with (the) people.”
Gaming at All Star Lanes & Casino If you like casino gambling but aren't that interested in the slot machines, All Star Casino was built for you. Serving you table games since 1999 you will find your action at this Silverdale casino. Bowling Houses & Information. Allstar Lanes & Casino, Silverdale, WA; Hi-Joy Bowl, Port Orchard, WA; Olympic Lanes, Subbase Bangor, WA;; USBC Rule BOOK; USBC Rules for Average Relief; USBC Tournaments; Calendar of Events. WSUSBC Tournaments; Washington State Seniors Championship Sign Up Sheet; KCBA Applications. KCBA Board Member. It is more than just a bowling alley. There is a casino and of course, the restaurant. They have a room where our Toastmaster's used to meet weekly. Nice people, decent prices and smiling servers.

Silverdale Bowling Alley Casino No Deposit

Silverdale Bowling Alley Casino Atlantic City
By Rachel Pritchett
Bremerton Lanes Casino has folded, throwing about 100 people out ofwork.
As many as 70 percent of them were employed full-time, according toGeneral Manager Don Knott. They worked as dealers, floorsupervisors, cage personnel and security.
Some got the word Saturday as they reported to work. Others werestill finding out Monday.
Dealers Mario Covarrubias and his wife Shannon of Port Orchard havesuddenly found themselves idle. With three children — ages 11, 9and 4 — they now have zero household income except what they’ll geton unemployment.
“I mean, it’s tough. You don’t know what you’re going to do,”Covarrubias said.
Knott pointed to a stubborn recession.
“It’s just a sign of the times,” Knott said, adding that customershave less money to spend on gambling now.
Bremerton Lanes bowling remains open, along with the Eleventh FrameCafé and Lounge on the premises.
Like other house-banked commercial card rooms in the state,Bremerton Lanes Casino has experienced fairly sharp declines ingross receipts.
It opened in 2003, and in 2005 enjoyed a peak of $2.56 million ingross receipts. But that shrunk to $2.02 million in 2009, accordingto the Washington State Gambling Commission.
The story is the same across the county and the state.
Tom Myers, owner of All Star Lanes & Casino in Silverdale, hascut back on staff and put off capital improvements.
“We’re fortunate that we’re able to pay our bills,” he said.
No one was available to talk to at the other local commercial cardroom, Chips Casino in Bremerton.
Across the state, commercial card room gross receipts peaked in2005 at $308 million, but by 2009 had fallen to $259 million.
There are fewer card rooms operating now, too. In 2009, 99 were inoperation, down from 112 in 2006, according to the commission.
Besides the recession, a smoking ban that went into effect in 2005may have dampened business at some establishments, at leastanecdotally.
“That certainly may have been a factor,” said commissionspokeswoman Melinda Froud.
Less business has translated into smaller paychecks for some ofemployees. Former Bremerton Lanes Casino dealer Kevin Fortier ofBremerton, for example, earned $35,000 last year. In a normal year,he’d earn $50,000.
Laid-off workers, many who’ve been in the business for years, won’tfind similar work easily. Gambling’s slow season is about to kickin, leaving some workers to consider going back to school or doingsomething else.
Many were at the unemployment office on Monday or had completedapplications for unemployment online.
Dealer Chris Holden figured that he’d go back to being amechanic.
“I’m really not sure,” he said.
Employees said that business has been on and off at the mini-casinooff Bruenn Avenue that offers mostly poker-based games like Pai Gowand blackjack-based games like Spanish 21. But it seemed to begoing strong enough to fuel hopes of staying in business.
Until now.
“They just shut down basically, without notice,” said dealer AndrewLuong of Bremerton.
No severance packages were given.
Fortier said he’s worried about his diabetes medication. While hewas working, he was able to buy health insurance to help cover his$400 monthly medication cost. Now, he said, he’ll have to ask thestate for help.
A co-worker of floor supervisor and dealer Maria Ortiz of Bremertontexted her the news Saturday.
“I started crying, and my daughter goes to a private school, andnow she’s scared because she doesn’t know if she can go to schoolwhere she’s at,” the single mother said.
Frank Evans, managing member of casino owner Star West Sound LLC,said that the layoffs saddened him.
“Look at the people who lost their jobs,” he said.
General Manager Knott agreed.
“It’s heartbreaking,” he said. “I’ve had a lot of close, personalties with (the) people.”